Distinctions of the Minister of Culture for Andrzej Novak-Zempliński and Michał Sobański

Published: 09.06.2024

At the request of the Board of Domus Polonorum, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, on the basis of the Act on the organization and conduct of cultural activities and the Act on the protection and care of historical monuments, awarded our members departmental decorations for their commitment to the protection of national heritage.

Mr. Andrzej Novak-Zempliński, owner of the manor in Tułowice and long-time President of Domus Polonorum, received the Bronze Medal for “Meritorious Service to Culture Gloria Artis.”

Mr. Michal Sobański, painstakingly rebuilding the family palace in Guzów, one of the founders of our association, received the Silver Medal “For Care of Monuments.” The Minister of Culture and National Heritage awarded the decoration for carrying out conservation, restoration and construction work on a monument, as well as popularization activities.

Both medals were presented by Ms. Anna Grudzińska – Deputy Mazovian Regional Monuments Conservator.

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