The book „Pieszo po Lwowie – Rowerem przez Wołyń i Podole” by Jan Spytek Tarnowski

Published: 12.03.2024

We are happy to announce that in February 2024 a book titled „Pieszo po Lwowie – Rowerem przez Wołyń i Podole” (English: „On foot in Lviv – By bike through Volhynia and Podolia”), published by LTW Publishing House, authored by Mr. Jan Spytek Tarnowski, member of Domus Polonorum.

The author provided accounts of colorful wanderings around Lviv in 2017, 2018 and 2021 and a bicycle trip through Volhynia, Podolia to Chernivtsi in the summer of 2019.

We would like to remind you that this is another book by the author. In 2022, a book entitled „Pałac w Dukli – skarby utracone” (English: „Palace in Dukla – lost treasures”) was published, also published by LTW Publishing House. The content presents the tragic wartime fate of the palace in Dukla (it was later recovered by the family in 2012) and the collection of works of art gathered there.

Enjoy your reading !

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